Request an appointment with a Doctor

You no longer need to wait on the phone to get a GP appointment – tell us your problem and we’ll get back to you within 48 working hours

If you are experiencing any of the following, please do not complete this form – call 999 immediately:

  • Signs of a heart attack – chest pain
  • Signs of a stroke – face drooping on one side, difficulty speaking
  • Severe difficulty breathing – gasping, unable to speak, choking
  • Heavy bleeding (that won’t stop) or severe injury
  • Seizure (fit) – shaking, jerking or unconscious
  • Signs of sepsis – slurred speech, extreme shivering, mottled skin

If you are contacting the practice about a mental health issue, please complete the relevant online consultation form.

 If you require an appointment with a nurse eg blood tests, wound care, injections please complete the Request an appointment with a Nurse or Healthcare Assistant Form.

Request an appointment with a Doctor

This form is not for urgent requests or on the day appointments. Please contact us via 01827 217799 if you require an appointment the same day or within 48 hours.

About the Patient's Problem

If you're not sure, it's helpful to tell us whether it's been days, weeks, months or years.
How would you like us to deal with the problem? *

Online message sent through your email


Face to face appointment

Video Consultation

Video consultations require you to have a smartphone, tablet, laptop or any computer with camera and microphone or headset. You will also require access to the internet, preferably over wifi. If the practice decides on a video consultation you will be sent an email containing a link for the video consultation, so it's best if you can receive your emails on that same device.

Your request will be reviewed by a member of our team and passed to the appropriate clinician if necessary. You will receive a response with the appropriate clinical advice, or an appointment if required.

The practice can send a text message to your phone with your appointment time. *
Terms & Conditions *